4 reasons your child should see a naturopathic doctor

 I work as a naturopathic pediatric primary care doctor at West Seattle Natural Medicine.  I see children of all ages, from newborns to adolescents, for their well-child exams, vaccinations and also when they get sick.  As a naturopathic doctor, I give nutritional and lifestyle recommendations, I talk to kids about healthy sleep habits, I offer natural treatments for their ear infection or cough, but can also prescribe medications and refer to specialists if needed.  I also see lots of kids for chronic health conditions, like ADHD, headaches and migraines, anxiety, and digestive issues because I offer a unique approach to treatment.  

Here are my top 4 reasons why I think your child should have a naturopathic doctor on their care team:

  1. TIME                                                                                                          Naturopathic doctors have the ability to spend more time with their patients.  My well-child visits are scheduled for 45 minutes and that means that I am in the room with the family for the WHOLE VISIT, no nurse or medical assistant, just me, the doctor.  This gives parents and their children a chance to ask questions and get the answers they need.  This also gives me time to get to know families and give age appropriate dietary recommendations and get children excited to be involved in their health.
  2. ALTERNATIVES TO ANTIBIOTICS                                                        Antibiotic resistance is a major public health issue and naturopathic doctors are the experts on natural treatments, so we can offer alternatives in appropriate instances.  Often, I will recommend alternative natural antimicrobials, such as herbal medicines or supplemental nutrients, and home comfort measures instead of prescribing antibiotics.  I do prescribe antibiotics to children who need them and always make sure that the child is taking a high dose and good quality probiotic to make sure they are still getting the good bacteria they need.
  3. INVESTIGATING THE CAUSE                                                                                         Instead of just prescribing a medication or an alternative treatment for conditions like constipation or eczema I work with families to figure out WHY this is happening.  Is there a food sensitivity?  Are there anxieties that are making the problem worse?  Does it have to do with nutrition?  I love thinking outside the box to come up with a solution.
  4. PREVENTION                                                                                                              I work with families to prevent illness and chronic conditions.  It is my job to optimize a child and their families' health - I make sure that the kids in my practice are getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise.  I not only care for the child, but their whole family as a unit.

These are just a few reasons I think it is important for families to have a naturopathic doctor on their healthcare team.  I enjoy offering families options for treatments and thinking outside the box to figure out a complex problem.  Look for future blog posts regarding ways to keep your family healthy!