4 Herbal Remedies for Postpartum Anxiety

What does postpartum anxiety look like?

Postpartum anxiety occurs in about 10% of women. I see this a lot in my practice where women are overly anxious about every little thing that has to do with their newborn. They have racing thoughts, constant worry and even physical symptoms like heart palpitations.

This anxiety causes these women to not be able to sleep, leave the house and be able to enjoy this new phase of life. Looking back on my postpartum period I had this to some degree and it can vary for every woman. It is important to seek help if you recognize this in yourself, but often I find that it is the partner or a family member that recognizes these symptoms.

Treatment for postpartum anxiety:

There are many ways to treat postpartum anxiety. It is so important to be working with a counselor who specializes in postpartum mood disorders. Prescription medications, like SSRI’s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) are also commonly used. I will use these medications in women who have moderate to severe symptoms. I often find that for women with mild to moderate anxiety that an herbal remedy or combination of herbal remedies can be quite effective.

Herbal therapies for postpartum anxiety:

  1. Passiflora incarnata (Passionflower)

    Passionflower (pictured above) is one of may favorite herbs to use in the postpartum period especially if anxiety is associated with difficulty falling or staying asleep. Passionflower is known as a nervine, which means that it has a calming and relaxing affect, but does not lead to drowsiness. Passionflower has been shown to be as effective as prescription anxiety medications in the treatment of anxiety.

  2. Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha)

    I recommend this herb to patients ALL THE TIME. Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb meaning that it helps your body adapt to stress. It works via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA-axis) to help modulate stress hormone that the body produces. Ashwagandha is my favorite herb to use for postpartum women because I find that it helps to support normal energy, but also works really well for postpartum anxiety and depression.

  3. Scutellaria (Skullcap)

    Skullcap is another herb in the nervine category. This herb helps to decrease stress and anxiety and helps with sleep issues, especially when insomnia is due to worry and nervous irritability (hello, postpartum!). Skullcap pairs well with Passionflower. I will often use this herb in a blend and by itself to help support stress and anxiety in the postpartum period. This herb is super safe and can be used while breastfeeding.

  4. Eleutherococcus (Eleuthro)

    This is another herb I will use quite commonly in the postpartum period, more so when there has been chronic stress associated with low energy. This herb has the potential to be a little stimulating in some people, so I take that into account when I am considering prescribing this herbal therapy. Eleuthro is also an adaptogen helping the body adapt to stress, so I find that it helps women adapt to the new challenges of motherhood.



Dantas LP, et al. Effects of passiflora incarnata and midazolam for control of anxiety in patients undergoing dental extraction. 2017 Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal Jan 1;22(1).

Ozturk Z., et al. Pregnancy outcomes in psychiatric patients treated with passiflora incarnata. 2018 Complementary therapies in medicine Feb;36:30-32.

Pratte MA, et al. An alternative treatment for anxiety: as systemic review of human trial results reported for the Ayurvedic herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera). 2014 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine Dec;20(12):901-8.